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  • +9197906 13262
  • info@helpingheartstrust.org
Festival day sponsor a child today to bring smile of the little faces.
Rs. 35000 Donation Need
Rs. 17000 received
Rs. 18000 required
Donation Goal : Rs. 35000
Days Left : 1981 days
DHARANI B.Sc(Nursing)
Rs. 40000 Donation Need
Rs. 9200 received
Rs. 30800 required
Donation Goal : Rs. 40000
Days Left : 1982 days
Rs. 42000 Donation Need
Rs. 10000 received
Rs. 32000 required
Donation Goal : Rs. 42000
Days Left : 1946 days


Organization gives helping hands to the students who deserve to pursue university studies, but are not able to meet the financial demands. At present, the organization has only a few members to contribute towards the effort. We hope to increase our contribution in this direction significantly.

Helping hearts trust is registered under section 124A of income tax act and therefore all donations are exempt from tax under section 80G.

Our Goal:

Our primary objective is to install a sense of social responsibility to the students community and motivate them to become contributors. Following are the goals regarding education.

  • To identify deserving and needy candidate.
  • To provide financial support to the candidate.
  • To provide guidance and moral support to these candidates.
According to us “Quitters never win and the winners never quit”. We identify and support the burning hearts to win in education both teenagers and youth those are struggling to complete their graduation.